New Year's Eve 2003 to New Year 2004

All photos taken by Joycelyn and her friends


Why Amy is so shy of camera?  I called her a fan of JSG show.  (smile)

Yuki with V-sign.^_^

They look so pretty in this picture. ^_^

Asima, why do you look so wicked?

Mine, looks like I was eating kidney desert... yuck... no, they're just red beans and some tapioca..

Asima's desert.  Has some pineapples, red beans, tapioca and strawberry dressing on the ice.

Me, Amy, and Yuki standing near the Christmas tree,

For your imagination, good for exchanging picture on ICQ. (smile)

I like this picture.

I was supposed to take picture of the stage... however, there was someone blocked me suddenly... I decided not to take another shot...

After the countdown: The girls' shoes.  Can you guess whose shoes are they?

I looked so weird in this picture...

Okay, this one is much better.  We girls love victory sign so much. Yatta!

Honestly, I don't look good in the pictures that night.  But, I'm fine, 'cos the others look so cute.  ^_^


by possession