Josh Groban

I began to listen Josh Groban since I was walking into a bookstore one day.  It was playing Josh Groban's songs.  Actually I had ever listened his songs before from radio.  I thought the songs were very good.  But I just forgot to search for the record after turning off the radio (smile).  Anyway, back to the bookstore, when I listened to the whole album, I came to the bookstore keeper and asked her which cd they were playing.  She and her colleague even had no idea who is the artist.  When a lady (a shopper) came to us and told us it was Josh Groban.  I immediately bought it.  I kept listening and listening to the album and I love it!  Then I began to search for more information about the artist, at least I have to know who he is.  I was amazed that the songs are sung by a young man!  I thought he was a singer as old as Andrea Bocelli! (smile)

There is no one I know knows about Josh Groban.  When I showed his record to my friend in a CD store.  She was not interested by the cover... Oh, we can't judge a book by its cover.

I think the CD is worth of it.  The lyrics and music are beautiful.  Also, Josh has a powerful voice and he is so talented of singing.  Josh Groban is the singer that I don't search for his pictures and goodies, I just wait for his more coming records.  I hope John Groban and his music deserve more attention.

Which is my favourite song in Josh Groban's first CD?  Can't pick any, I just like them all.

Here are the some highlights about Josh Groban:

Full Name Joshua Winslow Groban
Birth Date February 27, 1981
Horoscope Aquarius
Birth Place U.S.A.
Height 6 feet
Weight Unknown
Family Member Mom , Dad, and younger brother 
Living Place Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Favourite Food Sashimi
Favourite TV Program The Simpsons
Favourite Colour Black, Dark Blue
Released Record Josh Groban, 2001 (Debut)
Josh Groban in Concert, 2002
Closer, 2003

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